Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Flex Day Field Trip

October 12, 2008 Flex day
Garment Factory Questions

1. Name one idea you have after this visit that connects to the idea of using resources!
2. Name one idea you have after this visit that relates to the word 'population'.
3. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the top score, how would you rate the quality of the work environment you saw here, and why?
4. What does the word 'export' have to do with today's visit?
5. What do you think the level of safety is here? What makes you think this?
6. How old do you think the workers here are, on average?
7. What is one question you still have about the garment industry here in Bangladesh?
8. What types of issues does this factory cause or help solve in terms of resources here in Bangladesh?
9. What might you say about economic issues based on today's visit?

Do you think the products being manufactured here help or hurt

Answer one of the above questions and add two points of observation or reflection from the day abouts the two places we visited (Sterling Styles factory and Up2Date apparel office). Also you can compose a question that you may have from our flex day adventures. You should post these three items on your blog page.
1) answer a question 2) make two observations or reflections (or write your own questions that you may have) Three things in total!

7. What is one question you still have about the garment industry here in Bangladesh?

The one question i still have about the Bangladesh garment factories are that where do they get all their materials from and what do they do to get the garment into shape?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Flex Day Quotes

Flex day pretty fun. Because I got to know all the new kind of gadgets they use to make clothes. They also told us that they need three kind of things to make new clothes, which were electricity,
boiler and sunlight.